Fig. 5.
Molecular Characterization of Enhancer Modulation. a For every branch along the tree, we calculated the nucleotide and functional divergence. The number of nucleotide changes is on the x-axis and the absolute value of the difference in the logged functional activity between the daughter and ancestral node is on the y-axis. b The fraction of indels, A → C and T → G mutations, A → G and T → C mutations, A → T and T → A mutations, C → A and G → T mutations, C → G and G → C mutations, and C → T and G → A mutations in our set of 84 prioritized mutations (those associated with a significant functional difference) in black and 2537 background mutations (those associated with a non-significant functional difference) in gray. Asterisk represents a p-value < 0.05 (Fisher’s exact test). First seven tests use a Bonferroni correction. CpG deamination was calculated separately from the mutational spectra, and therefore not corrected for multiple testing