Figure 4.
Adaptation measured in Dictyostelium cells (From (68)). A: Snapshots of a cell undergoing a sudden increase in chemoattractant concentration at t = 0 s (visualized in red). Activated Ras is visualized using RBD-GFP, which shows a transient translocation to the membrane. B: The RBD-GFP cytosolic fluorescence intensity, I(t), normalized by the fluorescence intensity before stimulation, as a function of time for different amounts of stimulation. Note that the time for peak response decreases when the stimulus strength increases. C: The RBD-GFP cytosolic fluorescence intensity as a function of stimulus strength shows perfect adaptation. D: Incoherent feedforward network topology consistent with experimental data: chemoattractant binds to receptors R which activate both RasGEF and RasGAP. These two enzymes then activate (GEF) and inactivate (GAP) Ras. E: Experimental results (RBD-GFP dose-response curves for different pretreatment concentrations, plotted as symbols) and the results of the incoherent feedforward network using model parameters obtained by fitting (plotted as lines).