Table 2.
Total amino acid content of skipjack tuna roe (STR) and roe protein concentrates
Amino acida | STR | BDC | SDC | EWc |
Protein content (%) (based on dry basis) | 82.6 | 77.3 | 82.4 | 84.0 |
Thr | 5.1a | 5.0b | 5.0b | 4.7c |
Valb | 6.2c | 6.5b | 6.2c | 8.2a |
Metb | 2.8b | 2.8b | 3.0a | 2.0c |
ILeb | 5.1d | 5.4b | 5.2c | 6.2a |
Leub | 8.3d | 8.5b | 8.6b | 9.2a |
Pheb | 4.1c | 4.4b | 4.5b | 6.4a |
His | 3.5a | 3.3ab | 3.2b | 2.7c |
Lys | 8.4a | 8.4a | 8.1b | 8.2b |
Arg | 6.6ab | 6.5b | 6.7a | 4.8c |
EAA (%) | 50.1 | 50.8 | 50.5 | 52.4 |
Asp | 9.0b | 9.1b | 8.8c | 11.8a |
Ser | 6.0a | 5.7b | 5.8b | 5.7b |
Glu | 13.2b | 12.7c | 12.8c | 14.9a |
Prob | 5.8b | 6.0a | 6.0a | 3.7c |
Glyb | 4.7a | 4.6ab | 4.5b | 4.0c |
Alab | 6.8b | 7.0a | 6.7bc | 6.6c |
Cys | 1.1a | 1.0ab | 1.0ab | 0.7b |
Tyr | 3.4b | 3.1c | 4.0a | 0.2d |
NEAA (%) | 50.0 | 49.2 | 49.6 | 47.6 |
Total (%) | 100.1 | 100.0 | 100.1 | 100.0 |
EAA/NEAA | 1.00 | 1.03 | 1.02 | 1.10 |
HAA(%) | 43.8 | 45.2 | 44.7 | 46.3 |
Data are means ± standard deviation of duplicate determination. Values with different letters within the same row are significantly different at p < .05 by Duncan's multiple range test.
STR, skipjack tuna roe; BDC, boil‐dried concentrate; SDC, steam‐dried concentrate; EW, egg withe; EAA, essential amino acids; NEAA, nonessential amino acids; HAA, hydrophobic amino acids.
Amino acid (g/100 g protein) expressed a ratio of a kind of amino acid amount vs. total amino acid.
Hydrophobic amino acid.
Quoted from in our previous study (Lee et al., 2016).