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. 2018 May 4;27(8):2411–2421. doi: 10.1007/s10826-018-1099-z

Table 4.

Results of the joint factor analysis (principal components with Varimax rotation, forced to extract two factors) performed on the SCS subscales and psychopathology and coping scales

Factor 1 Factor 2
STAIC Anxiety .85 −.13
UCL-A Passive reacting .83 −.23
CDI Depression .81 .31
SCS Self-judgment .79 −.18
SCS Isolation .73 −.13
SCS Over-identification .73 −.16
UCL-A Avoidance .42 .07
UCL-A Expression of emotion .31 −.23
SCS Mindfulness −.21 .75
SCS Common humanity −.06 .73
SCS Self-kindness .41 .72
UCL-A Reassuring thoughts .05 .72
UCL-A Active tackling .35 .57
UCL-A Palliative reacting .39 .49
UCL-A Social support seeking −.24 .48

N = 130. SCS Self-Compassion Scale, STAIC State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children, CDI Children’s Depression Inventory, UCL-A Utrecht Coping List for Adolescents. Loadings >.30 are printed in bold