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. 2018 Mar 16;48(8):2758–2765. doi: 10.1007/s10803-018-3539-4

Table 1.

Descriptive statistics for the study variables

Measure α All
M (SD)
M (SD)
M (SD)
M (SD)
M (SD)
M (SD)
M (SD)
AQ-social (self-report) 0.79 14.91 (4.09) 14.76 (3.99) 15.10 (4.26) 14.76 (3.85) 15.23 (4.34) 14.78 (3.79) 14.66 (4.11)
AQ_detail (self-report) 0.80 9.90 (3.50) 10.23 (3.51) 9.53 (3.41) 10.15 (3.55) 9.70 (3.51) 10.50 (3.60) 9.49 (3.33)
AQ-social (parent-report) 0.85 40.78 (9.72) 41.88 (9.57) 39.69 (9.31) 42.10 (9.99) 40.11 (9.49) 43.05 (10.65) 38.66 (8.71)
AQ_detail (parent-report) 0.84 9.35 (3.74) 9.50 (3.85) 8.86 (3.61) 9.47 (3.84) 9.24 (3.68) 10.18 (3.91) 9.05 (3.44)
Face memory 53.96 (9.75) 52.58 (9.88) 54.28 (9.42) 53.56 (10.19) 54.71 (9.87) 52.81 (9.87) 54.99 (9.40)
Object memory 50.04 (10.30) 54.03 (10.73) 47.51 (9.30) 53.98 (10.69) 47.27 (9.51) 53.01 (10.67) 48.33 (9.05)

Face memory Cambridge Face Memory Test, Object memory Cambridge Car Memory Test, MZ monozygotic, DZ dizygotic, SS same-sex, OS opposite-sex, m male, f female; one twin from each pair was drawn randomly for use in these analyses