Fig. 6. Acetylation of glycine in water by AcP.
a 1H–NMR spectra of acetylation of glycine to N-acetylglycine (NAG) by AcP at 20 °C and pH 12 after 2 h, compared with AcP, diglycine, diketopiperazine (DKP), and NAG; all commercial standards were titrated to pH 12. Molecular structures highlighting the protons giving rise to each spectroscopic peak are added for clarity. b 1H–NMR spectra of the acetylation of glycine to NAG by AcP at pH 12 and at pH 7 compared with the spectra of commercial NAG at both pH 12 and pH 7. c Acetylation of glycine by AcP at 20 °C at different initial pH values over 168 h. N = 3 ± SD