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. 2017 Jan 4;6(2):115–133. doi: 10.1039/c6tx00338a

Table 1. The in vivo toxicity of TiO2 NPs in mice or rats.

Target system Size & structure Model Dose (mg kg–1) Exposure route Exposure time Result Ref.
Lung 2–5 nm, An Mice 8.88 mg m–3 INH 4 h d–1 for 10 d Macrophages↑ in BALF, pneumonia 45
19–21 nm, Ru Mice 0.1 or 0.5 mg I.t. 3 d, 1 w, 2 w Emphysema & apop. 46
5 nm, An Mice 2.5, 5 & 10 I.t. 90 d Pulmonary OS, infla. 47
5 nm, An Mice 10 I.t. 15–90 d Lung OS, edema, infla., apop., Nrf2↑ 48
Si-Coated Mice 10 mg m–3 INH 2 h, 2 h/4 d for 4 w Pulmonary neutrophilia & infla. 49
21 nm, An/Ru Rats 5 I.t. Up to 90 d Innate immune & lymphocytes↑ 50
18 nm, An/Ru Rats 15, 30, 60 & 70 I.p. 21 d Lung pathologic damage, OS 51
Liver, stomach and intestine 5 nm, An Mice 5, 10, 50, 100 & 150 I.p. 14 d Liver pathologic damage, infla., apop., dysfunction 52
5 nm, An Mice 62.5, 125 & 250 I.g. 30 d Liver dysfunction, coagulation & immune system damage 53
5 nm, An Mice 5, 10 & 50 I.g. 60 d Liver pathologic damage, OS, infla., apop., dysfunction 54, 55
5 nm, An Mice 2.5, 5 & 10 I.g. 90 d or 6 m Hepatic infla., apop., changes in gene expression, liver dysfunction 56, 57
50.4 ± 5.6 nm (TEM), An Rats 63, 126 & 252 mg I.p. 24 & 48 h Liver ROS release, hepatocytes atrophy, apop. & necrosis 58
Rats Up to 10 I.g. 28 d Changes of protein spots, proteins expression↑ in liver microsomes 59
21 nm, An Mice 150 Oral 2 w Liver dysfunction, infla., apop., DNA damage 60
75 ± 15 nm (TEM), An Rats 10, 50 & 200 Oral 30 d Liver edema, non-allergic mast cell↑ in stomach; intestinal permeability & Mo contents↓ 62
43 nm, An/Ru Mice 5, 50 & 500 Oral 5 d OS, infla., apop., chronic gastritis 63
36.15 nm, An Rats 50, 100 & 150 I.h. 28 d Liver toxicity, OS, apop., steatosis, necrosis, ballooning degeneration, and fibrosis 64
Kidney 50 & 120 nm Mice 5000 Oral 7 d Kidney toxicity, oxidative damages 65
5 nm, An Mice 5, 10, 50, 100 & 150 I.p. 14 d Kidney pathologic changes, OS, dysfunction & nephritis 66
5 nm, An Mice 2.5, 5 & 10 I.g. 90 d Renal OS, peroxidation of lipid, protein and DNA, GSH depletion, nephritis, dysfunction, vital gene expression changed 67, 68
Mice 0.1, 0.25 & 0.5 mg I.t. 4 w ROS/RNS release, renal fibrosis 69
5 nm, An Mice 1.25, 2.5 & 5 I.g. 9 m Renal fibrosis associated with infla. & Wnt pathway↑ 70
5 nm, An Mice 2.5, 5 & 10 I.g. 6 m Renal infla. & fibrosis 71
Spleen 5 nm, An Mice 5, 50 & 150 I.p. 45 d Splenic pathologic changes, ROS↑, apop. 72
5 nm, An Mice 5, 50 & 150 I.g. 30 d Spleen OS, immune capacity↓, p38-Nrf-2 pathway↑ 73
5 nm, An Mice 2.5, 5 & 10 I.g. 90 d Spleen infla., apop., immune dysfunction, related gene expression changed 74–76
5 nm, An Mice 10 I.g. 15–90 d Splenic ROS release, infla. 77
21 nm, An/Ru Rats 0.5, 4 & 32 I.t. Twice per w, 4 w Spleen immunocyte activity↑, number of B cells↑ in blood 78
<25 or 100 nm Mice I.p. Once per d, 7–28 d Tumor growth↑ involving in immunomodulation 79
21 nm, An/Ru Rats Up to 0.168 mg INH Up to 70 d Immune response 80
10–25 nm, An Mice 4, 40 or 400 mg l–1 I.h. 1, 2 & 5 d Dermal sensitization potency of DNCB↑ 81
15, 50 or 100 nm Mice I.d. AD-like skin lesions↑ under skin barrier damage conditions 82
Brain and hippocampus 21 nm, An/Ru Mice 1 mg I.p. 2, 6 or 24 h ROS, microglia & infla.↑ in septic brain 83
5 nm, An Mice 5, 10, 50, 100 & 150 I.p. 14 d Pathological changes, OS & lipid peroxidation in brain 84
5 nm, An Mice 5, 10 & 50 I.g. 60 d Disturbance of the homeostasis of trace elements, enzymes and neurotransmitter systems in brain; accumulated NPs, ROS and apop. in hippocampus; damaged spatial recognition memory in mice 85, 86
5 nm, An Mice 2.5, 5 & 10 I.g. 90 d Spatial recognition impairment, LTP↓, infla. in hippocampus 87, 88
5 nm, An Mice 2.5, 5 & 10 I.n. 90 d Overproliferation of glial cells, OS, apop., p38-Nrf-2 pathway↑, gene expression changed in brain 2, 89
5 nm, An Mice 1.25, 2.5 & 5 I.n. 6 or 9 m Neurotoxicity, dysfunction of glutamate metabolism; impaired NMDA receptor-mediated postsynaptic signaling cascade 90, 91
5 nm, An Mice 0.25, 0.5 & 1 I.n. 9 m Neuroinfla., impaired neurotrophin-mediated signaling pathways 92
<25 or 10 nm, An Rats 100 I.g. 2–21 GD Hippocampal cell proliferation↓ & synaptic plasticity was affected, impaired learning and memory in rat offspring 93, 94
5 nm, An Rats 1000 mg l–1 I.h. 6, 9, 12, 15 & 18 GD Oxidative damage to nucleic acids and lipids in the brain of newborn rats, enhanced the depressive-like behaviors during adulthood 95
Heart and vessel 5 nm, An Mice 2.5, 5 & 10 I.g. 90 d Cardiac OS, sparse muscle fibers, infla., biochemical dysfunction 96
5 nm, An Mice 1.25, 2.5, 5 & 10 I.g. 90 d, 180 d Cardiac infla. 97, 98
Rod-like, Ru Rats 0.5, 5 & 50 I.m. I.p. 48 h Heart dysfunction under OS 99
Mice 18 or 162 μg I.t. 24 h Heart complement cascade, infla. & complement factor 3 in blood ↑ 100
21 nm, P25 Rat 4,6,10,19 & 38 μg INH 24 h Arteriolar constrictions, impaired vasodilator responses 101
21 nm, P25 Rats 10 μg INH 24 h Microvascular OS, damage of vasoreactivity in artery 102–104
100 nm Rats 1.5 to 16 mg m–3 INH 24 h Microvascular OS, infla., systemic microvascular dysfunction 105
21 nm, P25 Rats 4–90 μ IN 24 Microvascular OS, nitrosative stress & dysfunction 106
21.6 nm, Ru Mice 0.5 I.t. 2 & 26 h or once per w for 4 w Modest effects on vasodilatory function & atherosclerotic plaque progression in aorta 107
5 nm, An Mice 1.25, 2.5 & 5 I.n. 9 m Altered serum parameters & atherogenesis related to pneumonia 108
25–35 nm Rats 2 I.t. 4 h Cardiac conduction velocity, tissue excitability ↑, arrhythmias 109
5–10 nm, An Mice 10, 50 & 100 μg I.t. 6 w Systemic infla., endothelial & lipid metabolism dysfunction, atherosclerosis 110
Ovary and testis 5 nm, An Mice 2.5, 5 & 10 I.g. 90 d Altered hematological, serum parameters and sex hormone levels, atretic follicle↑, ovary infla. & necrosis, fertility↓ 111
5 nm, An Mice 10 I.g. 90 d OS, ovary damage & dysfunction, regulation of key ovarian genes 112
25 nm, An Mice 10, 50 or 250 Oral 28–70 PND Spermatogenesis & serum testosterone↓ 113
5 nm, An Mice 1.25, 2.5, 5 & 10 I.g. 90 d, 180 d, 270 d Sperm malformations, testis damage, altered levels of serum sex hormone & gene expressions; oxidative damage & apop. 114–117
21 nm Rats 5, 25 & 50 I.v. 30 d OS, sperm count & testosterone activity↓, apop. 118
An Rats 1 & 2 Oral 5 d Ovarian granulose, changed levels of testosterone 119
5–25 nm, An Rats Up to 100 I.g. I.h. 2–21 GD Reproductive toxicity 93–96