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. 2018 Jun 20;32(6):543–558. doi: 10.1007/s40263-018-0530-8

Table 2.

Published and ongoing phase III trials in patients with progressive MS

Trial name/group [registry numbera] Publication date [start datea] Treatment MS phenotype [EDSS inclusion criterion] Primary outcome measure(s) Secondary and other outcome measures (disability-related)
Published studies
 European Trial Group [40] Nov 1998 [1994] Interferon β-1b vs. placebo SPMS [3.0–6.5] Time to sustained (3-month) disability progression on EDSSb Time to/proportion of patients becoming wheelchair-bound (EDSS ≥ 7)
Sustained (3-month) disability progression on EDSS (proportion of patients)b
Change in EDSS
EDSS score at endpoint
 Cladribine Clinical Trial Group [41] Mar 2000 [Dec 1994] Cladribine vs. placebo Progressive MS [3.0–6.5] Change in EDSS Change in SNRS
Time to sustained (2-month) progression on EDSSd
 SPECTRIMS [42]c Jun 2001 Interferon β-1a SC vs. placebo SPMS [3.0–6.5] Time to sustained (3-month) disability progression on EDSSd Sustained (3-month) disability progression on EDSS (proportion of patients)d
Area under the EDSS–time curve
 IMPACT [43]c Sep 2002 Interferon β-1a IM vs. placebo SPMS [3.5–6.5] Change in MSFC z-score Sustained (3-month) disability progression on EDSSb
Change in EDSS score
Proportion of patients categorised as stable, worse or better based on EDSS change
 MIMS [44] Dec 2002 Mitoxantrone vs. placebo Progressive MS (progressive-relapsing MS or SPMS) [3.0–6.0] Five clinical measures: change in EDSS, change in ambulation index, number of corticosteroid-treated relapses, time to first treated relapse, change in standardised neurological status Disability progression on EDSS (proportion of patients)e
Sustained (3- and 6-month) disability progression on EDSS (proportion of patients)e
Time to first sustained EDSS deterioration
Use of wheelchair assistance
 Andersen et al. [45] May 2004 Interferon β-1a SC vs. placebo SPMS [< 7.0] Time to sustained (6-month) disability progression on EDSSd Progression in RFSSf
Tertiary: Proportion of progression-free patients
Ambulation index
Arm index
 ESIMS [46, 47] Sep 2004 IVIG vs. placebo SPMS [3.0–6.5] Co-primary: Treatment failure (sustained [3–month] disability progression on EDSS)d
Deterioration of EDSS and/or confirmed 20% worsening in 9HPT
Treatment failure after 3 and 6 months
Difference in mean slope of progression
Confirmed 20% worsening in 9HPT
Change in EDSS score
Time to deterioration in EDSS, 9HPT, pyramidal, visual and brainstem function scales and composite outcome scores
Change in visual function
Change in 9HPT results
 North American Trial Group [48]c Nov 2004 Interferon β-1b vs. placebo SPMS [3.0–6.5] Sustained (6-month) disability progression on EDSSb Change in EDSS score
Cognition (change in composite neuropsychological test score)
 PROMISE [49]c Jan 2007 Glatiramer acetate vs. placebo PPMS [3.0–6.5] Time to sustained (3-month) disability progression on EDSSd Sustained (3-month) disability progression on EDSS (proportion of patients)d
Change in EDSS score
Change in MSFC score
 Poehlau et al. [50, 51] Nov 2007 IVIG vs. placebo PPMS or SPMS [3.0–7.0] Sustained (3-month) improvement in disability on EDSSg
Sustained (3-month) disability progression on EDSSd
Visual function
Upper extremity function (box and block test; 9HPT)
Cognitive function (neuropsychological battery)
 OLYMPUS [52] [NCT00087529] Note that this is a phase II/III trial Oct 2009 [Jun 2004] Rituximab vs. placebo PPMS [2.0–6.5] Sustained (3-month) disability progression on EDSSb None
Exploratory: Sustained (6-month) improvement in disability on EDSS
Change in MSFC total and component scale scores
 MAESTRO [53] [NCT00869726] Oct 2011 [Dec 2004] MBP8298 (dirucotide) vs. placebo SPMS [3.5–6.5] Sustained (6-month) disability progression on EDSSd Change in MSFC z-scores
 INFORMS [54] [NCT00731692] Mar 2016 [Jul 2008] Fingolimod vs. placebo PPMS [3.5–6] Clinical disease progression (at least one of the following): sustained [3-month] disability progression on EDSSd; ≥ 20% increase on T25FW; or ≥ 20% increase in time taken to complete 9HPT Sustained [3-month] disability progression on EDSSd
Clinical disease progression according to T25FW and 9HPT
Ambulation (MSWS-12)
 ORTARIO [55] [NCT01194570] Jan 2017 [Mar 2011] Ocrelizumab vs. placebo PPMS [3.0–6.5] Sustained (3-month) disability progression on EDSSb Sustained (6-month) disability progression on EDSS
Change in performance on T25FW
Change in Physical Component Summary score of SF-36
 PROMESS [56] [NCT00241254] Jan 2017 [Dec 2005] Cyclophosphamide vs. methylprednisolone SPMS [4.0–6.5] Time to sustained (4-month) disability progression on EDSSh Sustained (4-month) disability progression on EDSS (proportion of patients)h
Progression of MSFC z-scores
Ongoing studies
 EXPAND [NCT01665144] NA [Dec 2012] Siponimod vs. placebo SPMS [3.0–6.5] Sustained (3-month) disability progression on EDSSd Sustained (3-month) deterioration ≥ 20% on T25FW
Sustained (6-month) disability progression on EDSSd
MSWS-12 response rate
 MS-SPI [NCT02220933] NA [Oct 2013] MD1003 (biotin) vs. placebo Spinal progressive MS [4.5–7.0] Sustained (3-month) improvement in disability on EDSSj or T25FW (≥ 20%) [proportion of patients] MSWS
 MS-SPI2 [NCT02936037] NA [Dec 2016] MD1003 (biotin) vs. placebo PPMS or SPMS [3.5–6.5] Sustained (3-month) improvement in disability on EDSSi or T25FW (≥ 20%) [proportion of patients] Time to sustained (3-month) disability progression on EDSSi
Change in T25FW
Other: Remote monitoring of ambulation
Kurtzke functional subscores
Cognition (SDMT)

Endpoints measuring the following parameters are not included as they do not necessarily capture disability: quality of life, fatigue, depression, psychological impairment, social impairment, hospitalisations and interventions for disease-related events

Trials published from 1997 to 2017; ongoing trials were sourced from

9HPT 9-hole peg test, CGI Clinical Global Impression, EDSS Expanded Disability Status Scale, IM intramuscular, IVIG intravenous immunoglobulin, MS multiple sclerosis, MSFC Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite, MSWS Multiple Sclerosis Walking Scale, NA not applicable, PGI Patient Global Impression, PPMS primary progressive multiple sclerosis, RFSS Regional Functional System Score, SC subcutaneous, SDMT, Symbol Digit Modalities Test, SF-36 Medical Outcomes Study Short-Form (36-item) Health Survey, SNRS Scripps Neurological Rating Scale, SPMS secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, T25FW timed 25-foot walk

aIf available

bEDSS score increase ≥ 1.0 if baseline score ≤ 5.5, or ≥ 0.5 if baseline score ≥ 6.0

cPublication does not specify that trial is phase III (assumption based on trial design [randomised, controlled and double-blind] and sample size [n > 400])

dEDSS score increase ≥ 1.0 if baseline score ≤ 5.0, or ≥ 0.5 if baseline score ≥ 5.5

eIncrease ≥ 1.0

fIncrease ≥ 2%

gEDSS score decrease ≥ 1.0 if baseline score ≤ 5.0, or ≥ 0.5 if baseline score ≥ 5.5

hEDSS score increase ≥ 1 if baseline score 4.0 or 4.5, or ≥ 0.5 if baseline score ≥ 5.0

iEDSS score decrease ≥ 1.0 if baseline score ≤ 5.5, or ≥ 0.5 if baseline score ≥ 6.0