Table 2.
PICO 16 (PART 2). Table reports the quality of evidence for each critical outcome in detecting the underlying molecular pathologies (e.g., amyloidosis or tauopathies) in PPA patients
PICO 16: Detecting the underlying molecular pathologies (e.g., amyloidosis or tauopathies) in PPA patients | |||||||||||
Critical outcomes | No. of papers | Sample size | Gold/reference standard | FDG-PET assessment | Risk of bias | Index test imprecision | Applicability | Effect range (CI) | Effect assessment | Effect inconsistency | Outcome quality |
Detect AD pathology | 2 | 53 PPA | 1 Pathology 1 Biomarker-based diagnosis |
1 Unclear 1 Semi-quantitative |
Serious | Very serious | Very serious | Study 1. - Accuracy: 91% (Standard error: 7) in lv-PPA, 94% (6) in av-PPA, 85% (10) sv-PPA. - PPV: 94% in lv-PPA, 92% in av-PPA, NA in sv-PPA. - NPV: 81% in lv-PPA, 96% in av-PPA, 92% in sv-PPA. - LR+: 1.91 in lv-PPA, 11.0 in av-PPA, NA in sv-PPA. - LR-: 0.09 in lv-PPA, 0.10 in av-PPA, 1.10 in sv-PPA. Study 2. - Sensitivity: 50% (CI NA). - Specificity: 100% (CI NA) |
Moderate | NA | LOW |
Detect non-AD pathology | 2 | 31 PPA | 1 Pathology 1 Biomarker-based diagnosis |
1 Unclear 1 Semi-quantitative |
Serious | Very serious | Very serious | Study 1. - Sensitivity: 83% (CI: 36–100%). - Specificity: 100% (CI: 83–100%). - AUC: 90% (CI NA). - PPV: 100% (CI: 48–100%). Study 2. - Sensitivity: 38% (CI NA). - Specificity: 100% (CI NA) |
Moderate | NA | LOW |
Risk of bias: assessment of the study design and other methodological features (e.g., patient selection, clinical diagnostic criteria used)
Index test methods: assessment of index test methodology (e.g., technical details, image analysis methods and statistical analysis)
Applicability: representativeness of the studied population and index test reproducibility in clinical practice (semi-quantitative methods correspond to ‘serious’ indirectness, visual + semi-quantitative methods correspond to ‘not serious’ indirectness, due to partial implementation of quantitation in clinical practice)
Effect: lowest and highest values for each critical outcome; when more values were obtained for the same outcome, the highest was reported
Effect assessment: 51–70% low, 71–80% moderate, 81–100% high
Effect inconsistency: ‘Not serious’ if lowest and highest values difference was 0–20, ‘serious’ 21–40, ‘very serious’ > 40
Outcome quality: summary of evidence as from all columns