Access to high GC content regions
Resolution of complex regions of the genome (e.g. MHCa)
Repetitive regions where short reads will not map uniquely
Systematic context-specific error modes
Structural variation, and large segmental duplications
Paralogous regions of the genome
Resolution of phase (read-based phasing)
De novo assembly from long reads to span the low complexity and repetitive regions, to create accurate assemblies (3).
Targeted sequencing of complex genomic and paralogous regions and resolution of phase for clinical applications e.g. HLAb typing, ADPKDc (4).
Transcriptomics, allowing full length sequencing of isoforms and examination of splicing (5).
Detection of structural variants (e.g. segmental duplications, gene loss and fusion events)
Single molecule sequencing allows examination of clonal heterogeneity of pathogens, and immunogenic cells
Long-range characterization of methylation patterns