Figure 7.
Estimated hepatic clearance values (CLH) for MC, DM, 4NP, FEN, PYR, and CS. CLH values were calculated using a well-stirred liver model under two different binding assumptions (fU = fU, P/fU, HEP or S9 or fU = 1.0; see text for details). In vitro intrinsic clearance rates used as inputs to these calculations were generated using cryopreserved rainbow trout hepatocytes (RT-HEP) or rainbow trout liver S9 fractions (RT-S9). Means calculated for all laboratories are shown as horizontal lines. Values shown for MC, DM, 4NP, FEN, and CS represent data generated using chemical-specific lots of biological material (RT-HEP or RT-S9), whereas those given for PYR represent studies performed using all 5 lots of tested material. Boxes denote the 25th and 75th percentiles, whereas top and bottom whiskers extend up to 1.5 times the interquartile range.