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. 2018 Apr 2;29:191. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2018.29.191.11940

Table 1.

Participants’ characteristics at ART initiation

Factor Categories NumbersN [Total=316](%)
Gender Male 115 (36.4)
Female 201 (63.6)
Age (Years) 14 – 29 67 (21.2)
30 – 39 129 (40.8)
40 – 49 79 (25.0)
50+ 41 (13.0)
Median age (IQR) in years 36.5 (IQR)
Level of education None or incomplete primary 213 (67.4)
Complete primary/some secondary 48 (15.2)
Complete secondary or higher 55 (17.4)
Marital status Single, separated or widowed 139 (44.0)
Married or with a steady partner 177 (56.0)
Number of steady partners at enrolment None 135 (42.7)
One 166 (52.5)
Two or more 15 (4.75)
Occupation Farmer 192 (60.8)
Trader/seller 42 (13.3)
Semi-skilled/skilled 18 (5.70)
Others 64 (20.3)
Alcohol consumption No 223 (70.6)
Yes 93 (29.4)
CD4 Counts at ART initiation Median (IQR) 156 ( 73 -200)
CD4 group at ART initiation (cells/mm3) <50 64 (20.3)
50 - 199 173 (54.8)
200+ 79 (25.0)
1 Baseline viral load (copies per ml) <400 15 (5.5)
400 – 999 1 (0.4)
1000-9999 21 (7.8)
10000-99999 115 (42.3)
100,000 – 999999 112 (41.2)
1000000+ 8 (2.9)
Viral load 1 Median (IQR 3) 81,758 (26,721 - 193,184)
2 Body mass index (BMI)(kg/m2) <15 11 (3.5)
15-18.5 74 (23.8)
>18.5 226 (72.7)
Body mass index (2.9) Mean(standard deviation) 20.1

Baseline viral load has missing data on 44 participants


BMI has missing data for 5 participants , IQR - interquartile range