Figure 9.
(A) The different motif age types (B) Motif age preference. Statistical significance (empirical Z-score) of the observed age patterns in motifs compared to the patterns expected by random. Due to symmetry, not every pattern is present in all motifs (blank squares). The symmetric motif age types were sorted form old to young age. Only motifs with at least one significant age type after multiple hypothesis correction (Benjamini–Hochberg, P value < 0.05) are shown in the picture, the full table can be found in Supplementary Table S16. (C) Module age preference. Preferential age patterns of the motifs clustered in network motif modules. The value represents the percentage of motifs with each age pattern that are clustered, subtracted by the percentage of a certain age pattern in all the motifs belonging to that module type. The squares are colored according to the significance of this value (hypergeometric test with multiple hypothesis correction according to Benjamini–Hochberg). Due to symmetry, not every pattern is present in all motifs (blank squares). The symmetric motif age types were sorted form old to young age.