Fig. 1.
Characteristics of 4–6 Hz band, βFB, and non-oscillatory neurons in the STN. a Patterns of three neurons with 4–6 Hz band, βFB, and non-oscillation; b ISI histograms of the three neurons and their MSFR of 48.6 Hz, 50.3 Hz and 32.8 Hz; c Power density spectrum of the three neurons at peak power of 5 Hz, 16 Hz, and no power; the horizontal line indicates a significant oscillatory level of the power of spike train signal; d autocorrelation histograms of three patterns of oscillatory neuronal activity; e An example of STN 4–6 Hz band oscillatory neurons and its coherence with limb tremor. The top trace shows raw data of a neuron with 4–6 Hz band oscillation that corresponds to the limb tremor (FCR); below shows spectral analysis of 4–6 Hz band oscillatory neuron, limb tremor of FCR, and 4–6 Hz band neuron x FCR which is the coherence between them; Horizontal line indicates a significant coherent level at 0.42 (P < 0.05). f Comparisons of MSFR, CV and percentages of4–6 Hz band, βFB oscillatory neurons and non-oscillatory neurons; g Histogram demonstrates distribution of MSFR of total STN neurons