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. 2018 Jul 27;13(7):e0201175. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0201175

Table 1. Plant species of each community included in this study.

Their family, the levels at which the trade-off was calculated (F: fruit; I: infructescence; P: plant), the pollen limitation indices (PL), and the average number of ovules per flowers or inflorescence are given. PL was estimated as 1- seed set of open pollinated plants / seed set of hand-pollinated plants (see [36], for details). Nomenclature follows [68].

Community Species Family Levels PL Ovu. / fl. Community Species Family Levels PL Ovu./flo.
Lowland Anthyllis vulneraria Fabaceae I, P -0.12 1.69 Alpine Astragalus alpinus Fabaceae F, P 0.18 4.053
Centaurea jacea Asteraceae I, P -0.10 74.76 Bartsia alpina Scrophulariaceae F, P 0.42 47.61
Centaurea scabiosa Asteraceae I, P NA 77.48 Campanula rotundifolia Campanulaceae F, P -0.03 121.37
Fragaria vesca Rosaceae F, P 0.01 58.49 Cerastium alpinum Caryophyllaceae F, P 0.02 42.74
Galium boreale Rubiaceae F, P NA 42.00 Dryas octopetala Rosaceae F, P -0.04 59.67
Galium mollugo Rubiaceae F, P 0.02 15.69 Erigeron uniflorus Asteraceae I, P -0.01 139.79
Geranium sylvaticum Geraniaceae F, P 0.21 4.28 Gentiana nivalis Gentianaceae F, P 0.02 172.91
Geum rivale Rosaceae F, P 0.01 77.33 Geranium sylvaticum Geraniaceae F, P 0.17 4.92
Knautia arvensis Caprifoliaceae I, P -0.15 60.88 Leontodon autumnalis Asteraceae I, P 0.13 39.29
Lathyrus linifolius Fabaceae F, P 0.12 9.36 Parnassia palustris Celastraceae F, P -0.02 402.19
Leucanthemum vulgare Asteraceae I, P -0.12 155.13 Pinguicula vulgaris Lentibulariaceae F, P 0.07 112.35
Linum catharticum Linaceae F, P -0.12 9.73 Potentilla crantzii Rosaceae F, P -0.13 27.40
Lotus corniculatus Fabaceae F, P 0.10 29.69 Ranunculus acris Ranunculaceae F, P 0.09 23.46
Pilosella lactucella Asteraceae I, P 0.20 42.58 Saussurea alpina Asteraceae I, P -0.15 14.55
Pilosella officinarum Asteraceae I, P 0.19 80.43 Saxifraga aizoides Saxifragaceae F, P -0.18 144.79
Pilosella pubescens Asteraceae I, P -0.13 26.42 Silene acaulis Caryophyllaceae F, P 0.79 17.36
Polygala vulgaris Polygalaceae F, P 0.30 2.00 Veronica alpina Plantaginaceae F, P 0.09 53.33
Potentilla crantzii Rosaceae F, P -0.21 37.60 Veronica fruticans Plantaginaceae F, P -0.04 26.79
Potentilla erecta Rosaceae F, P -0.02 5.66
Potentilla thuringiaca Rosaceae F, P -0.15 39.71
Prunella vulgaris Lamiaceae F, P 0.26 3.26
Ranunculus acris Ranunculaceae F, P -0.03 24.91
Trifolium pratense Fabaceae I, P -0.24 1.03
Vicia cracca Fabaceae F, P 0.63 4.89