A) Quantitative analysis of the number of p18- (left, p=0.001) and PSD95-immunoreactive puncta (right, p=0.929), as well as percentage of p18 and PSD95 dually stained puncta/synapses (middle, p=0.004) in hippocampal CA1 region. N = 6 mice, unpaired t-test. These data are paired with
Figure 6A. (
B) The coordinates of the injection sites were (mm): AP −1.94, ML ±1.4, DV −1.35 from Bregma; AP −2.2, ML ±1.8, DV −1.5 from Bregma, in the CA1 region of hippocampus and are indicated by red circles. (
C) Representative tile scan confocal image of GFP expression in hippocampal CA1 region 4 weeks following injection of AAV with GFP reporter gene. Scale bar = 200 μm. (
D) Representative images of Western blots labeled with Ube3a, p18, p-mTOR, mTOR, p-S6K1, p-S6, S6, and PKCα (GAPDH as a loading control). Protein lysates from hippocampal CA1 region infected with the indicated AAV were prepared for Western blot analysis. (
E) Effects of p18 knockdown in hippocampal CA1 region on mTOR signaling in WT and AS mice. For p-mTOR, p=0.010, WT-siScrambled vs. WT-siP18, p=0.002, WT-siScrambled vs. AS-siScrambled, p<0.001, AS-siScrambled vs. AS-siP18; For p-S6, p<0.001, WT-siScrambled vs. WT-siP18, p=0.002, WT-siScrambled vs. AS-siScrambled, p<0.001, AS-siScrambled vs. AS-siP18; For PKC, p=0.012, WT-siScrambled vs. WT-siP18, p=0.001, WT-siScrambled vs. AS-siScrambled, p<0.001, AS-siScrambled vs. AS-siP18; n = 4 mice for WT-siScrambled, WT-siP18, and AS-siScrambled, n = 3 mice for AS-siP18, two-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post-test.