Figure 3. Ring myosin compresses cortical surface along the axis perpendicular to the ring, pulling in new cortical surface at a rate proportional to the amount of ring myosin.
(A) The equatorial cortex is compressed during contractile ring assembly. Following the onset of spindle-based RhoA signaling, the initial recruitment of contractile ring proteins leads to uniform compression of cortical surface along the axis perpendicular to the forming ring across a 10 µm wide region spanning the cell equator. (left) Average flow map at (t/tCK = −0.1) immediately after the onset of spindle-based signaling (n = 93 embryos). (middle) The surface velocity profile reveals a linear velocity gradient that spans the cell equator (−5 to +5 µm), indicating a uniform zone of cortical compression. (B) Cortical compression within the ring continues during constriction. (left graph) Plot comparing the area of the forming division plane (red) with the total cortical surface area that entered the division plane from the start of cytokinesis (purple; calculated as indicated in the schematic). (right graph) Plot comparing the rate of delivery of cortical surface into the division plane (purple) with the rate of growth of the division plane (red). The difference between the two is the rate of cortical surface compression (rate of reduction of cortical surface area; cyan). (C) The per-unit-length amount of ring myosin and the rate of cortical compression increase with the same exponential kinetics, suggesting that the rate of cortical compression may be controlled by the amount of myosin in the contractile ring/Rho zone. (top left) Representative images of the division plane in embryos expressing myosin::GFP reconstructed from 40-plane z-stacks. Gold circles mark the embryo boundary and dashed circles mark the boundaries used for ring intensity measurements. Scale bar is 10 µm. (top right) Graph plots per-unit-length myosin::GFP fluorescence for the indicated angular ranges (n = 36 embryos). (bottom left) Graph plots the rate of cortical surface compression per unit ring length (n = 93 embryos). (bottom middle) Graphs plot mean per-unit-length myosin::GFP (n = 36 embryos) and GFP::anillin (n = 26 embryos) fluorescence (n = 36 embryos) in the ring. (bottom right) Graph plots the per-unit-length rate of ring closure. Black lines are fitted single exponentials. Error bars are the SEM.