Figure 7.
LN229 cells grown on 0.3 kPa HA and 14 kPa PAA gels with collagen I and incubated with 20 nM wortmannin over the period of 2 h. (A) Average LN229 cell area as a function of time after 20 nM wortmannin treatment, obtained with time-lapse microscopy. Distributions of cell spreading area on 0.3 kPa HA and 14 kPa PAA at the moment of 20 nM wortmannin addition (B) and 12.5 (C), 60 (D), and 120 min (E) post-addition. N ≥ 30 cells analyzed for each condition. The two-sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov test was used to confirm statistical differences between the distributions in panels B–E, and associated p values are presented.