Figure 1.
Early Neurogenesis Is More Abundant in OB than Adjacent NCx in Mouse Embryo
(A) Schematic of progenitor cell lineages in direct and indirect neurogenesis. N, neuron; CP, cortical plate.
(B) Parasagittal sections of developing mouse telencephalon. Dashed lines indicate extent of the OB. MGE, medial ganglionic eminence; Sp, septum.
(C–F) Distribution and abundance of neurons (Tuj1+ and Tbr1+ cells) in OB and NCx at E12.5, and quantifications as indicated (n = 3–9 embryos per group; t test). ML, mantle layer.
(G) Cumulative BrdU labeling at E12.5 to measure cell cycle length (n = 3 embryos per time-point).
(H and I) Analysis of cell cycle exit at E12.5 (BrdU+Ki67−, arrowheads; n = 3 embryos per group; χ2-test).
(J and K) Distribution of IPCs (Tbr2+Tbr1−, red arrowheads) and neurons (Tbr1+, green arrowheads; or Tbr2+Tbr1+, white arrowheads) at E12.5, and quantifications of Tbr2+ cells, IPCs (E12.5) and basal mitoses at the indicated ages (n = 3-11 embryos per group; t tests for density, χ2-tests for co-localization).
Values are mean + SEM; ∗p < 0.05; ∗∗p < 0.01; ∗∗∗p < 0.001. Scale bars: 300 μm (B), 50 μm (C–J).
See also Figure S1.