Hh signaling was disrupted by (A,B) knocking down Hh expression in the PSC (Antp>HhRNAi), (C,D) over-expressing Ptc in the MZ (Tep>PtcGOF), (E,F) knocking down Ci in the MZ (Tep>CiRNAi) or (G,H) mis-expressing Ush in the PSC (Col>UshGOF). This resulted in a significant reduction in Ush expression levels. Arrow marks ectopically expressed Ush in the PSC. (I) Histogram showing that the level of Ush expression is significantly reduced in lymph glands with disrupted Hh signaling. Student’s t-test; error bars show standard deviation; P values are as shown; control and HhRNAi (n=20); control and PtcGOF (n=20); control and CiRNAi (n=24); control and UshGOF (n=22). White dotted lines delineate the entire lymph gland. Scale bars: 50 μm. Mid-third instar larvae.