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. 2018 Jun 22;7(13):e008953. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.118.008953

Table 1.

Alirocumab ODYSSEY and Evolocumab PROFICIO Phase 3 Studies Show Similar Reductions in Calculated LDL‐C Levels From Baseline to Primary End Point in Individuals With vs Without DM, Pre‐DM, and Metabolic Syndrome (ITT Analysis)

% Change From Baseline (LDL‐C) to Primary End Point Difference vs Control, LS Mean % Change From Baseline (SE or 95% CI If Published), Unless Otherwise Specified Interaction P Value
ALI or EVO Control (PBO or EZE)
n LS Mean (SE), Unless Otherwise Specified n LS Mean (SE), Unless Otherwise Specified
ALIROCUMAB 150 mg Q2W vs PBO (with statin), 24 wks
Overall All (n=2310) 1530 −61.0 (0.7) 780 0.8 (1.0) −61.9 (1.3)
DM subanalysis DM (n=818) 545 −60.0 (1.3) 273 −1.0 (1.8) −59.0 0.0957
Non‐DM (n=1492) 985 −61.6 (0.9) 507 1.8 (1.3) −63.4
Pooled analysis of HIGH FH, LONG TERM, ALI 150 vs PBO
Overall59, 60 All (n=2416) 1601 −60.4 (0.7) 815 0.5 (1.0) −60.9 (−63.3 to −58.5)
DM subanalysis69 DM (n=833) 554 −59.7 (1.2) 279 −1.4 (1.7) −58.3 (2.1) 0.13
Non‐DM (n=1583) 1047 −60.7 (0.9) 536 1.5 (1.2) −62.3 (1.5)
Pre‐DM subanalysis72 Pre‐DM (n=876) −61.8 (1.2) 2.1 (1.6) −63.9 0.1431
NG (n=656) −59.5 (1.4) −0.1 (1.9) −59.4
DM+ASCVD subanalysis68 DM+ASCVD (n=512) 340 −61.5 (1.6) 172 −1.0 (2.2) −60.5 (−65.9 to −55.2)
ALIROCUMAB 75/150 mg Q2W vs PBO (with statins), 24 wks
Pool of FH I & II, ALI 75/150 vs PBO46
Overall All (n=732) −48.8 (1.2) 7.1 (1.7) −55.9
DM subanalysis DM (n=66) −51.4 (4.5) 2.4 (5.5) −53.8 0.7912
Non‐DM (n=666) −48.5 (1.3) 7.6 (1.8) −56.1
COMBO I, ALI 75/150 vs PBO47
Overall All (n=311), estimated mean (95% CI) 205 −48.2 (−52.0 to −44.4) 106 −2.3 (−7.6 to 3.1) −45.9 (−52.5 to −39.3)
DM subanalysis DM (n=135), estimated mean (95% CI) 94 −42.2 (−47.8 to −36.6) 41 −2.6 (−11.1 to 5.8) −39.6 0.0841
Non‐DM (n=176), estimated mean (95% CI) 111 −53.2 (−58.4 to −48.1) 65 −2.0 (−8.8 to 4.8) −51.2
Pooled analysis of FH I & II, COMBO I, ALI 75/150 vs PBO
Overall59, 60 All (n=1043) 693 −48.6 (1.0) 350 4.2 (1.5) −52.7 (−56.3 to −49.2)
DM subanalysis69 DM (n=201) 131 −43.4 (2.6) 70 0.3 (3.4) −43.7 (4.1) 0.02b
Non‐DM (n=842) 562 −49.8 (1.2) 280 5.1 (1.6) −54.8 (2.0)
Pre‐DM subanalysis72 Pre‐DM (n=396) −52.4 (1.7) 3.3 (2.4) −55.7 0.8451
NG (n=422) −46.1 (1.6) 8.9 (2.3) −55.0
DM+ASCVD subanalysis68 DM+ASCVD (n=137) 92 −46.4 (3.0) 45 6.3 (4.5) −52.7 (−63.5 to −41.9)
DM+insulin T2DM (n=429) 287 −48.2 (1.6) 142 0.8 (2.2) −49.0 (2.7)
T1DM (n=74) 49 −51.8 (3.7) 25 −3.9 (5.3) −47.8 (6.5)
ALIROCUMAB 75/150 mg Q2W vs EZE, 24 wks
COMBO II DM subanalysis, ALI 75/150 vs EZE (with statin)
Overall45 All (n=707) 467 −50.6 (1.4) 240 −20.7 (1.9) −29.8 (2.3)
DM subanalysis67 DM (n=225a) 148b −49.1 77b −18.4 −30.7 0.8025
Non‐DM (n=495a) 331b −51.2 164b −21.8 −29.5
Pooled analysis of COMBO II, OPTIONS I & II, ALI 75/150 vs EZE (with statin)
Overall59, 60 All (n=1105) 669 −48.9 (1.4) 436 −19.3 (1.7) −29.6 (−33.8 to −25.3)
Pre‐DM subanalysis72 Pre‐DM (n=432) −51.7 (2.2) −16.1 (2.6) −35.6 0.0428
NG (n=244) −45.8 (2.8) −21.8 (3.6) −24.0
DM+ASCVD subanalysis68 DM+ASCVD (n=283) 173 −48.7 (2.6) 110 −20.6 (3.3) −28.1 (−36.6 to −19.6)
ALTERNATIVE, ALI 75/150 vs EZE (without statin)
Overall48 All (n=168) 90 −54.8 (1.4) 78 −20.1 (2.4) −34.7
DM+ASCVD subanalysis68 DM+ASCVD (n=34) 23 −54.9 (6.0) 11 4.0 (8.8) −58.9 (−80.9 to −36.8)
Pooled analysis of ALTERNATIVE & MONO, ALI 75/150 vs EZE (without statin)
Overall59, 60 All (n=351) 178 −45.6 (1.8) 173 −14.8 (1.8) −30.9 (−35.9 to −25.9)
Pre‐DM subanalysis72 Pre‐DM (n=135) −44.0 (2.9) −16.0 (2.7) −28.0 0.4073
NG (n=147) −46.3 (2.7) −13.7 (2.6) −32.6
T2DM+mixed dyslipidemiad All (n=409)d 273d −43.3d 136d −0.3d −43.0d
EVOLOCUMAB 140 mg Q2W or 420 mg QM vs PBO
Pool of LAPLACE‐2 & RUTHERFORD‐2, EVO 140 or 420 vs PBO, 12 wks66
T2DM subanalysis T2DM (n=304) 210 94 −60 (−69 to −51)c 0.27
Non‐T2DM (n=1700) 1127 573 −66 (−70 to −62)c
DESCARTES, EVO 420 vs PBO, 52 wks
Overall61 All (n=901) 599 302 −57.0 (2.1)
Subanalysis by glycemic status and MetS73 T2DM (n=120) 77 43 −50.8 (6.0)
IFG (n=293) 194 99 −59.4 (3.4)
MetS (n=289) 182 107 −55.0 (3.5)
No dysglycemia or MetS (n=393) 274 119 −58.1 (3.5)
FOURIER, EVO 140 or 420 vs PBO, 48 wks
Overall63 All (n=27 563) 13 784 13 779 −59 (58 to 60)
DM subanalysis71 DM (n=11 031) 5515 5516 −57 (56 to 58)
Non‐DM (n=16 533) 8269 8264 −60 (60 to 61)
EVOLOCUMAB 140 mg Q2W or 420 mg QM vs EZE
Pool of LAPLACE‐2 (atorvastatin cohorts only) & GAUSS‐2, EVO 140 or 420 vs EZE, 12 wks66
T2DM subanalysis T2DM (n=187) 114 73 −39 (−47 to −32)c 0.79
Non‐T2DM (n=780) 530 250 −40 (−45 to −36)c

LS means and SEs taken from mixed‐effect model with repeated measures analysis. All values shown are as published in the respective referenced articles; if the values for difference vs control were not published, values were estimated based on the respective percent changes with alirocumab/evolocumab and controls. ALI indicates alirocumab; ASCVD, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; CI, confidence interval; DM, diabetes mellitus; DESCARTES, Durable Effect of PCSK9 Antibody Compared with Placebo Study; EVO, evolocumab; EZE, ezetimibe; FOURIER, Further Cardiovascular Outcomes Research with PCSK9 Inhibition in Subjects with Elevated Risk; GAUSS‐2, Goal Achievement after Utilizing an Anti‐PCSK9 Antibody in Statin Intolerant Subjects; HDL‐C, high‐density lipoprotein cholesterol; IFG, impaired fasting glucose; ITT, intention‐to‐treat; LAPLACE‐2, LDL‐C Assessment with PCSK9 Monoclonal Antibody Inhibition Combined With Statin Therapy; LDL‐C, low‐density lipoprotein cholesterol; LS, least squares; MetS, metabolic syndrome; NG, normoglycemia; PBO, placebo; Q2W, every 2 weeks; QM, once monthly; RUTHERFORD‐2, Reduction of LDL‐C with PCSK9 Inhibition in Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia Disorder‐2; SE, standard error; T1, type 1; T2, type 2.


Randomized population.


Because of a higher proportion of participants without DM receiving an alirocumab dose increase at wk 12 (36.5% vs 25.6%).


Random‐effects treatment difference (95% CI) between evolocumab and control (placebo or ezetimibe), generated by use of the DerSimonian and Laird random‐effect estimator.


The comparator in the DM‐DYSLIPIDEMIA trial was usual care, which included the option to continue on maximally tolerated statin therapy without adding another lipid‐lowering therapy at randomization, or with the addition of one of the following at randomization: ezetimibe, fenofibrate, omega‐3 fatty acids, or nicotinic acid. Mixed dyslipidemia was defined as non‐HDL‐C ≥100 mg/dL (2.59 mmol/L), and triglycerides ≥150 mg/dL (1.70 mmol/L) and <500 mg/dL (5.65 mmol/L) at the screening visit. The primary efficacy end point in this trial was non‐HDL‐C: at week 24, mean non‐HDL‐C changes were superior with alirocumab (−37.3%) vs usual care (−4.7%). The LDL‐C reduction (secondary end point) values shown for DM‐DYSLIPIDEMIA in this table are measured LDL‐C values, not calculated LDL‐C.76, 77

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