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. 2018 Jul 23;9:1054. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01054

Table 3.

Details of various transformation studies reported in finger millet.

Name of the genotype Promoter/ reporter gene used Promoter/selectable marker Functional gene used Methods of transformation Type of explants used Application References
PR202 CaMV35S/ActI/UqI/RbcS/Ft GUS Nil Nil Biolistic Leaf sheath segments Testing the efficiency of various promoters in GUS expression Gupta et al., 2001
PR202 CaMV35S GUS CaMV35S nptII Nil Agrobacterium-mediated Embryogenic seed Establishment of transformation efficiency under different parameters Sharma et al., 2011
∗∗ CaMV35S GUS CaMV35S bar Antifungal protein (PIN) gene of prawn Biolistic Shoot apex Transgenics resistant to leaf blast disease Latha et al., 2005
GPU45 and CO14 CaMV35S GUS CaMV35S hptII Nil Agrobacterium-mediated Shoot apex Optimization of transformation using shoot apex Ceasar and Ignacimuthu, 2011
GPU45 and CO14 UqI GUS UqI hptII Rice chitinase gene Agrobacterium-mediated Shoot apex Transgenics resistant to leaf blast disease Ignacimuthu and Ceasar, 2012
PR202 CaMV35S GUS CaMV35S hptII Nil Biolistic Green nodular calli Optimization of biolistic mediated transformation protocol Jagga-Chugh et al., 2012
Tropikanka and Yaroslav8 Nil CaMV35S bar HvTUB1 and TUAm1 Biolistic and Agrobacterium-mediated Embryogenic callus Resistance to herbicides of the dinitroaniline family Bayer et al., 2014
GPU28 CaMV35S GUS CaMV35S hptII Bacterial mannitol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase gene Agrobacterium-mediated Embryogenic callus Tolerance to drought and salinity Hema et al., 2014
GPU28 CaMV35S GUS CaMV35S hptII PgNHX1, AVP1 Agrobacterium-mediated Embryogenic callus Salinity tolerance Jayasudha et al., 2014
CO(Ra)-14, PR-202, Try-1 and Paiyur2 CaMV35S GUS CaMV35S hptII Nil Agrobacterium-mediated Shoot apex Optimization of transformation using direct plant regeneration Satish et al., 2017

Name of the marker and reporter genes with promoter, genotype, explant type and method of transformation used are given for each study. Any functional gene used is also indicated. AVP1, Arabidopsis vacuolar pyrophosphatase1; bar, phosphinothricin resistance; CaM35S, cauliflower mosaic virus 35s; Ft, promoter of C4 isoform of phosphoenolpyruate carboxylase gene from Flaveriatrinervia; gus or uidA, oxβ-glucuronidase; nos, nopaline synthase; hptII, hygromycin phosphotransferase; HvTUB1, Hordeum vulgare β1-tubulin; nptII, neomycin phosphotransferase; PgNHX1, Pennisetum glaucum Sodium hydrogen exchanger1; UqI, Ubiquitin promoter of maize); RbcS, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase small subunit gene promoter; TUAm1, α 1_tubulin mutant gene. ∗∗PGEC-2, IE-2576, IE-2367, IE-2366, IE-2683, IE-2684, IE-2851, IE-2861, IE-2333, IE-2995, IE-2300, IE-2675, IE-2340, IE-2983, IE-3242, IE-3020, IE-4673, IE-4683, IE-4120.