Figure 1.
Components of the dynactin complex are pulled down with CapA-GFP. (A) A schematic representation of the dynactin complex. Conventional actin was not depicted as we do not have evidence from our pull-down experiments that conventional actin is a component of the A. nidulans dynactin complex. (B) Western blots showing that dynactin p150, Arp1 and the dynein HC were pulled down with CapA-GFP. A strain without any GFP tag was used as a negative control. Cropped pieces with black outlines indicate blots probed by different antibodies against the indicated proteins (see Supplemental Fig. 5 for the original blots). The antibody against GFP (from Clontech) has been used previously29. The affinity-purified antibodies against dynein HC, dynactin p150 and Arp1 have been described and used previously6,40.