Fig. 2.
Concordance of driver somatic events, SNV/InDels, and mutational signatures between tumor and matched organoid cultures. a Cancer driver genes affected by nonsynonymous SNVs and InDels are highlighted in the derived organoid culture (O) and corresponding patient-matched tumors (T) where available. Only cancer genes that were also found mutated in at least 5% of the patient cohort (n = 129) in the study by Secrier & Li et al.13 are displayed, with significantly mutated genes by MutSigCV quoted in the study marked with an asterisk (*). Prevalence of alterations from the analysis of large cohorts of patient tumors (Secrier & Li et al. paper and TCGA (n = 89)) are shown on the right. The variant allele frequencies for each mutation are provided. b Proportion of shared and unique mutations between patient-matched tumor and organoid culture. c Concordance of mutational signature contributions