Figure 3.
pAMPKT172 in epitrochlearis muscles. A) For muscles incubated without insulin, RM ANOVA indicated a main effect of serum* (p<0.05) and a main effect of AICAR# (p<0.01). Post hoc analysis for muscles incubated without insulin revealed pAMPKT172 with prior AICAR > No AICAR or serumb (p<0.01) and prior AICAR & serum > serum alonec (p<0.01). For muscles incubated with insulin, RM ANOVA indicated a main effect of AICAR# (p<0.001). Post hoc analysis for muscles incubated with insulin revealed pAMPKT172 with prior AICAR > No AICAR or serumb (p<0.001) and serum & AICAR > serum alonec (p<0.001). Representative blots for phospho- and total proteins are shown below the graph. B) Two-way ANOVA indicated a main effect of AICAR (p<0.001). Post hoc analysis revealed pAMPKT172 with Aprior AICAR > No AICAR or serum (p<0.01) and AAICAR+insulin > insulin alone (p<0.001). All data are shown as mean±SEM in the graph (n=10/group).