Figure 6.
Both diacylglycerol-analogs affected the distribution of bombykal (BAL)- dependent action potentials (APs). In post-stimulus time histograms the mean number of APs in 10 ms bins was investigated for 1 s after BAL stimulation in the first- and last 20 min of each recording. (A) While in the first 20 min of recordings in the late activity phase (ZT 1) application of 100 μM OAG (magenta) only slightly increased and sped up the phasic-tonic response pattern, 100 μM DOG (cyan) reduced the number of APs per bin and rendered the response more tonic. (B) This shift to slower kinetics and an adapted AP response could be seen at the end of the recordings during the late activity phase (ZT 3), also in controls and with OAG, but strongest with DOG. (C,D) Also at rest (ZT 9) the pheromone responses were stronger and faster in the presence of OAG, as compared to controls and DOG infusion. Instead, application of DOG resulted in a strong reduction of APs per bin, which resulted in a decreased more tonic pheromone response especially at the end of recordings at ZT 11 (solid lines = mean; dotted lines = SEM).