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. 2013 Apr;345(1):125–138. doi: 10.1124/jpet.112.201558


Brain pharmacokinetic values of C-DIM compoundsData representing the mean of three animals per time point per C-DIM compound were used for the construction of brain tissue concentration versus time curves (Fig. 4).

Noncompartmental modeling was used for the calculation of pharmacokinetic parameters based on the composite data.

C-DIM (brain) AUC0->720 min Cmax t1/2λ Tmax CL(area)/kg Kelλ Brain AUC: Plasma AUC
(ng/ml) × min ng/ml min min ml/min×kg (μg/ml) × min2
C-DIM5 I.V. 23,192 216 47 30 261 0.0146 6.0
C-DIM5 Oral 88,325 378 44 120 647 0.0157 6.0
C-DIM7 I.V. 39,397 313 147 10 103 0.0047 4.1
C-DIM7 Oral 171,596 887 112 120 338 0.0062 5.8
C-DIM8 I.V. 16,165 151 248 10 109 0.0028 1.8
C-DIM8 Oral 16,322 31.2 187 360 1,941 0.0037 3.2
C-DIM12 I.V. 68,042 272 117 10 36.5 0.0059 2.4
C-DIM12 Oral 465,845 1,173 95 240 86.3 0.0073 4.1

AUC, area under the curve; C-DIM, para-phenyl subsitiuted diindolylmethane; CL, clearance limit; Kel, elimination rate.