Figure 5.
Box plots of the distal contractile integral (DCI) and % incomplete bolus clearance (IBC). Box plots represent minimum and maximum values (vertical lines), first and third quartiles (boxes) and median values (horizontal line). Asterisks represent outlier values. Patients with EGJOO+IEM had statistically lower DCI, while those with EGJOO+DES had higher DCI (p<0.002 between EGJOO+IEM and EGJOO+DES; p<0.001 between EGJOO and EGJOO+IEM). Even the group EGJOO+IEM+DES had statistically lower DCI, when compared with EGJOO+DES (p<0.003). All groups exhibited high percentages of IBC (40%–100%), suggestive of significant oesophageal stasis. DES, diffuse oesophageal spasm; EGJOO, oesophagogastric junction outflow obstruction; IEM, ineffective oesophageal motility.