Table 2.
Rotated factor loadings for the conceptual reasoning tests
Factor 1: flexible thinking |
Factor 2: perceptual reasoning |
Factor 3: rule application |
Verbal absurdities | .847 | −.032 | −.116 |
Picture absurdities | .598 | −.585 | −.009 |
WCST perseverative errors | −.580 | .044 | .444 |
20Q constraint seeking | .570 | −.436 | −.193 |
TPT-time | .138 | .809 | .353 |
Hooper T score | −.328 | .773 | −.135 |
Category test errors | −.076 | .135 | .748 |
Trail making B–time | −.103 | −.054 | .695 |
Tower of hanoi moves | −.385 | .189 | .525 |
% Explained variance | 22.521 | 20.491 | 18.990 |