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. 2018 Jul 27;10:863–874. doi: 10.2147/CLEP.S151890

Table 1.

Main variables contained in French and Spanish health care databases

Variables Spain France
Date of registration of the patient in the information system Yes No
Date of diabetic onset Yes (date of registration of the first diabetic episode: not necessarily means date of diabetic onset) Necessitates algorithms to identify the first diagnosis code or the first antidiabetic drug dispensing
Sex Yes Yes
Birth date Yes (year) Yes (year)
Birth place Not always No
Working status Active/retired Active/retired
Pharmaceutical copayment category (proxy of socioeconomic class) Yes Beneficiary of the Couverture Médicale Universelle Complémentaire status for low-income patients; socioeconomic deprivation index available by geographical area
Living area Basic health zone (5000–20,000 inhabitants) Ilots Regroupés pour l’Information Statistique (IRIS): areas of 2000 inhabitants for main cities; municipalities’ boundaries in the case of <2000 habitants
Education level Compulsory, high school, university; not available in Basque Country No
Nationality Yes (probably biased) No
Occupation No Some insurance schemes correspond to specific occupations
Date of death Yes Yes
Cause of death Yes (in the mortality register, ICD-10-ES) No (being implemented)
Out-of-hospital examination, procedures, and health care
Code of the examination/care Yes (ICPC-2 classification and PGD in Navarre, and ICD-9 in Basque Country) Yes, using a specific national classification
Date of care Yes Yes
Physician who has prescribed Yes Yes
Health care provider Yes Yes
Results Yes No
Primary care data
Long-term disabling disease Yes (ICPC-2 classification, PGD, and ICD-9 in Basque Country) Yes (ICD-10)
Diagnosis for each visit Yes No
Date of visit Yes Yes
Physician Yes (anonymous identifier) Yes (identifier and specialty)
Clinical data (blood pressure, weight, height) Yes No
Lifestyle data (smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity) Yes No
Out-of-hospital drug dispensing*
Code of the drugs Yes, using ATC codes, except for many but not all over-the-counter drugs Yes, using Club Inter Pharmaceutique (CIP) codes. Over-the-counter drugs are not recorded
Date of dispensing Yes Yes
Number of units dispensed Yes Yes
Physician who has prescribed Yes Yes
Pharmacist provider Yes Yes
Prescription data Yes No
Hospital data
Dates of entry and of release Yes Yes
Diagnosis Yes (ICD-9-MC at the moment of data extraction and ICD-10-ES from January 2016) One main diagnosis ±1 related diagnosis and unlimited associated diagnoses (ICD-10)
Specific departments (intensive care unit, palliative care, etc) Yes Yes
Procedures Yes, date, and codes Yes, date, and codes
Exposure to expensive drugs No Yes, date, and code of the drug
Exposure to non-expensive drugs No No



In Navarre, from 2014 onward, there was a unique database for drug dispensing, which included prescriptions.

Abbreviations: ATC, anatomical, therapeutic, chemical classification; ICD, International Classification of Diseases; ICPC-2, International Classification of Primary Care, version 2; PGD, patient general data.