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. 2018 Jul 31;8:11503. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-29805-9

Table 1.

Adult syphilis prevalence data (1990–2016), available in the Spectrum-STI global database.

Average year Number of studies, surveys, and years of routine ANC screening Number of positive samples Number of samples tested Unweighted average prevalence (%)
Data type
  ANC routine 2012 645 1,530,591 161,090,586 0.95
  ANC survey 2005 605 113,813 8,422,062 1.35
  Women survey 2003 93 13,006 2,333,441 0.56
  Men survey 2003 78 5,184 247,945 2.09
  Men + Women survey 2005 11 64,659 3,039,211 2.13
  Blood donors, Women 2007 2 3 693 0.43
  Blood donors, Men 2010 12 1,628 250,398 0.65
  Blood donors, Men + Women 2012 130 147,715 92,247,011 0.16
Diagnostic test
  RPR + TPHA 2008 819 652,567 108,529,201 0.60
  TPHA 2006 71 107,382 12,299,956 0.87
  RPR 2007 353 592,635 42,606,321 1.39
  Rapid treponemal-based assay 2013 79 143,180 10,107,457 1.42
  Test unknown 2011 254 380,835 94,088,412 0.40
WHO  world region
  African Region 2006 633 1,231,508 41,757,009 2.95
  Region of the Americas 2011 276 186,176 25,142,548 0.74
  Eastern Mediterranean Region 2010 130 93,804 16,899,247 0.56
  European Region 2011 193 72,373 65,822,040 0.11
  South-East Asia Region 2008 133 106,639 27,208,629 0.39
  Western Pacific Region 2009 211 186,099 90,801,873 0.20
All data points 2,008 1,576 1,876,599 267,631,346 0.70

Notes to Table 1: Data available as of 02 May 2018.

For WHO world regions, see: ( ANC = Antenatal Care. RPR = Rapid plasma reagin. TPHA = Treponema pallidum hemagglutination assay.