Baseline measures included three sets (90 s rest between) of one 6 s contraction at the level of EMG produced at 25% MVC (25% iEMG, grey rectangle) followed by a series of three brief (∼2 s) contractions (100%, 75% and 50% MVC), separated by ∼3 s of rest. During contractions at 25% iEMG, paired TMS and CMS were delivered (dashed arrow), followed 3 s later by BPS (open arrow). During each contraction at 100%, 75% and 50% MVC, a single TMS pulse was delivered (black arrow) to measure cVA. The fatiguing protocol consisted of 16 min of intermittent (10 s contraction, 5 s rest) isometric elbow flexor contractions at 25% MVC (open rectangles). For the last contraction of each minute, 25% iEMG was targeted, and the same sequence of stimuli used during baseline measures was delivered. After each BPS, and within the 10 s contraction time at 25% iEMG, ratings of perceived effort and perceived pain in the elbow flexors were collected. Every 2 min, and at the end of the protocol (16th min), the series of three contractions was completed to assess cVA.