size |
Affirmative |
The pixel size of street view images. Width × length; Max value: 960 px, 640 px. |
size = 600 × 600 |
location |
Alternative |
Geographical coordinates or address names. |
location = Holiday Inn or location = 41.057,116.636. |
pano |
The unique identifier for each street scene. |
pano = 10011010151015144953700 |
pitch |
Negative |
The angle of camera up or down; range: [−20, 90], default: 0. |
pitch = 0 |
heading |
Negative |
The angle between camera and north direction; range: [0, 360], default: 0. |
heading = 0 |
key |
Affirmative |
Developers’ key. (Application is free on Tencent location based service website) |