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. 2018 Jul 5;15(7):1414. doi: 10.3390/ijerph15071414

Table 4.

Cultivable mycobiota in settled indoor dust sampled from surfaces above floor level in four different locations of the school. Dust was sampled before and after the ventilation improvement and cultivated on three plates per location.

School Samples Settled Dust
Before ventilation improvement Sampled 31 May 2016 Number of colonies/plate Number of plates containing a colony morphotype/all plates
Locations: Classroom 2 and lobby Trichoderma citrinoviride a,b >100 1/6
Rhizopus sp. Plate overgrown 2/6
Trichoderma sp. a >100 2/6
After ventilation improvement Sampled 6 March 2017
Locations: Classrooms 1, 2 and 7 Penicillium sp. c
Penicillium sp. d
Aspergillus westerdijkiae a 2–3 2/9
Asp. Niger a,b 1–2 3/9
Eurotium sp. a 1 1/9

a Colonies of morphotypes that are toxic to sperm or kidney cells; b Colonies of potentially pathogenic morphotypes able to grow at 37 °C; c Terverticilliate Penicillium species; d Monoverticilliate Penicillium species.