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. 2018 Jul 7;15(7):1433. doi: 10.3390/ijerph15071433

Table 2.

Reasons for not owning or not using AC 1, New York City, 2015.

Own/Use Reason Unweighted (N) Weighted (%) 95% Confidence Interval
Does not own Can’t afford it 44 40 (29.5, 49.6)
Don’t need it 33 33 (22.8, 42.3)
Don’t like AC 24 20 (12.4, 28.3)
Building wiring not equipped 6 8 (1.5, 13.6)
Does not use 2 Electricity bill 52 24 (17.6, 29.7)
Conserve electricity 47 21 (15.5, 27.3)
Did not feel hot 38 17 (11.8, 23.0)
Don’t like AC 27 12 (7.4, 16.6)
Prefer fan 30 13 (8.0, 17.2)
Go elsewhere 24 10 (5.8, 13.8)
Health worse (volunteered) 8 3 (0.6, 5.8)

1 AC: air conditioning; 2 Reported using AC ‘never’ or ‘less than half the time’ when at home during very hot weather.