Table 10.
S1: Building | S2: Industry | S3: Energy transformation | S4: Transportation | |
MP | S1-MP1: Energy efficiency performance standards in new building S1-MP2: Energy efficiency performance standards of building appliance S1-MP3: Auditing reports of building energy-efficiency S1-MP4: Quota management of energy consumption S1-MP5: Retrofitting public building with energy-saving facility S1-MP6: Replacement of energy-saving lamp S1-MP7: Adoption of water cooling towers instead of air-conditioning systems S1-MP8: Replacement of obsolete water main S1-MP9: District heating network |
S2-MP1: Energy efficiency standards of various industrial sectors S2-MP2: Application of advanced industrial equipment S2-MP3: Energy audits and assessments S2-MP4: Eliminating high-emission industries S2-MP5: Standards of emission in industrial processes S2-MP6: Adoption of advanced process technologies S2-MP7: Emission capture and destruction S2-MP8: Mandatory carbon reduction targets for industry |
S3-MP1: Efficiency standards for power generators S3-MP2: Mandatory transformer upgrade program S3-MP3: District heating networking maintenance and upgrade program S3-MP4: Program of recuperating waste heat S3-MP5: Distributed electricity generation S3-MP6: Phasing down coal for electricity generation S3-MP7: Wind power generation program S3-MP8: Solar power generation program S3-MP9: Nuclear electric power generation S3-MP10: Tidal power Generation S3-MP11: Hot springs power generation and hot springs heat pump S3-MP12: Hydroelectric generation S3-MP13: Solar heating program S3-MP14: Hydrogen fuel cells S3-MP15: Bioenergy displace heating fuels |
S4-MP1: Transit-oriented transportation planning S4-MP2: Mixed land uses to minimizes daily transfer distance S4-MP3: Enhancing the quality of public transport services S4-MP4: Bus rapid transit network S4-MP5: Improving complementarity of public transport S4-MP6: Rationalization of bus routes S4-MP7: Improving the operation efficiency of tramways S4-MP8: Developing intercity rail to foster more efficient freight movement S4-MP9: Extension of rail-lines S4-MP10: Standards of vehicle fuel using efficiency S4-MP11: Standards of vehicle carbon emission S4-MP12: Restriction on private car S4-MP13: Improving walk and bicycle path environment S4-MP14: Electronic toll collection system |
EP | S1-EP1: Energy efficiency market for existing building S1-EP2: Green building labeling program and information disclosure S1-EP3: Financial support for energy service companies S1-EP4: Subsidies and tax credits for weatherization S1-EP5: Subsidies for purchasing energy-efficient equipment S1-EP6: Energy efficiency labelling for the major electrical appliances S1-EP7: Trade-in of energy-saving appliance S1-EP8: Appliance of smart consumption meters in residential buildings S1-EP9: Time-zone mechanism for electricity price |
S2-EP1: Tax relief on carbon reduction projects S2-EP2: Provision of loans and funds for improving industrial energy efficiency and adopting innovative technologies S2-EP3: Carbon cap-and-trade program S2-EP4: Supporting energy management service companies S2-EP5: Carbon labelling scheme for industrial products S2-EP6: Subsidizing energy-efficient equipment |
S3-EP1: Subsidies and tax incentives for renewable energy S3-EP2: Certification system for photovoltaic power generation equipment installers |
S4-EP1: Financial incentives for the purchase of low-carbon vehicles. S4-EP2: Parking fees S4-EP3: Increase of fuel tax S4-EP4: Congestion charges |
VP | S1-VP1: Energy conservation training for building maintenance staff S1-VP2: Public education on improving building energy efficiency S1-VP3: Expedited permitting for green buildings S1-VP4: Encouraging large building participate in climate initiative program S1-VP5: Demonstrative projects of ultra-low energy consumption building S1-VP6: Encourage solar installation S1-VP7: Encourage retrofit buildings with solar photovoltaics |
S2-VP1: Encouraging larger companies to optimize manufacturing techniques S2-VP2: Encouraging companies to upgrade industrial equipment S2-VP3: Energy-saving technology services to industrial companies S2-VP4: Workforce training of energy saving in industrial sector S2-VP5: Demonstrative projects of low-carbon industry parks |
S3-VP1: Encouraging larger companies to optimize operation management of power plant | S4-VP1: Publicity about saving energy on trip S4-VP2: Energy saving guidance for transportation companies S4-VP3: Publicity about clean-fuels vehicles S4-VP4: Promoting car-sharing programs S4-VP5: Encouragement of telecommuting work |
MP: Mandatory Administration Policy; EP: Economic Incentive Policy; VP: Voluntary Scheme Policy.