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. 2018 Jul 19;18(Suppl 1):126. doi: 10.1186/s12905-018-0593-1

Table 3.

Within- and between-group comparisons of cardiometabolic risk factors during weight-loss intervention phase

Outcome measures Group Baseline Mean (SD) 6 month Mean (SD) Change within-group p-valuea Mean Difference of change Between group p-valueb
MD (95% CI) MD (95% CI)
FPG (mmol/L) Control (n=114) 5.64 (1.03) 5.58 (1.28) -0.05 (-0.25, 0.14) 0.569 0.06 (-0.23, 0.34) 0.692
Intervention (n=129) 5.63 (1.45) 5.51 (0.96) -0.11 (-0.32, 0.10) 0.287
Triglycerides (mmol/L) Control (n=114) 1.35 (0.66) 1.44 (0.72) 0.09 (-0.04, 0.22) 0.193 -0.01 (-0.20, 0.18) 0.906
Intervention (n=129) 1.35 (0.67) 1.45 (0.63) 0.10 (-0.04, 0.23) 0.155
Total cholesterol (mmol/L) Control (n=114) 5.70 (1.09) 5.43 (0.97) -0.27 (-0.42, -0.11) 0.001** -0.06 (-0.28, 0.17) 0.620
Intervention (n=129) 5.59 (1.02) 5.38 (0.85) -0.21 (-0.38, -0.05) 0.012*
HDL-C (mmol/L) Control (n=114) 1.38 (0.23) 1.33 (0.23) -0.05 (-0.10, -0.01) 0.011* -0.05 (-0.11, 0.01) 0.103
Intervention (n=129) 1.31 (0.23) 1.31 (0.25) 0.00 (-0.05, 0.04) 0.811
LDL-C (mmol/L) Control (n=114) 4.59 (1.32) 4.45 (1.09) -0.14 (-0.37, 0.09) 0.223 -0.09 (-0.38, 0.19) 0.526
Intervention (n=129) 4.44 (1.11) 4.39 (0.94) -0.05 (-0.23, 0.13) 0.585
LDL-C/HDL-C ratio Control (n=114) 3.35 (0.91) 3.43 (0.91) 0.07 (-0.12, 0.25) 0.486 0.04 (-0.12, 0.28) 0.741
Intervention (n=129) 3.43 (0.86) 3.43 (0.94) 0.03 (-0.13, 0.18) 0.748
TC/HDL-C ratio Control (n=114) 4.15 (0.71) 4.18 (0.79) -0.02 (-0.14, 0.11) 0.82 0.05 (-0.17, 0.27) 0.642
Intervention (n=129) 4.30 (0.70) 4.25 (0.88) -0.07 (-0.24, 0.10) 0.432

Notes: Boldface indicates statistically significance *p<0.05, **p<0.01

Mean differences within group and between group are in mean (95% CI), a negative change indicates a fall in average from baseline to 6 month

aPaired t- test (between baseline and 6-month measurement), significant at p<0.05

bIndependent t-test, significant at p<0.05

Abbreviations: SD standard deviation, MD mean difference, FPG fasting plasma glucose, LDL-C Low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, HDL-C High-density lipoprotein-cholesterol