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. 2018 Feb;39(1):17–28.

Table 2.

Molecular genetic methodologies according to expected ability to detect abnormalities in different genetic settings.

Next generation sequencing
Abnormality Sanger sequencing MLPA Panel testing# Whole exome testing Whole genome testing Long-read sequencing
Small indels (<50 bp) Y Y Y Y Y Y
Medium indels (50–300 bp) M* Y M* M* Y Y
Large indels (>300 bp) N Y N N Y Y
Mutation in unsuspected gene N N N Y Y Y
Intronic mutation M** N M** M** Y Y
Promoter mutation M** N M** M** Y Y
Pseudogenes M* Y N N N M*
GC-rich genes M* N N N N Y
Triplet repeat disorders M* N N N N Y

A selected panel of genes which are sequenced and analysed, does not include ‘virtual panels’ where all genes may be sequenced with only a selected panel of genes being analysed;


depends on length;


depends on location;

Y, abnormality likely to be detected; M, abnormality may be detected; N, abnormality likely to be missed.