Fig. 5.
N2 but not AB1 C. elegans exhibit germline abnormalities in CeHR. a N2 and AB1 germlines exhibit normal germ cell morphologies and numbers in OP50 NGM (aberrant germlines were observed in 21 and 12.5% of the worms, respectively). Germlines of S-Medium grown animals are similar to OP50 NGM grown animals. However, embryos accumulate in 36% of the S-Medium grown adults. As expected, N2 adults grown in CeHR exhibit aberrant germlines with drastically reduced germ cell numbers, which results in an overall smaller germline (86% of the worms). N2 adults in CeHR have a significantly fewer number of oocytes and a high number of internally hatched larvae. These abnormalities are not observed in CeHR-grown AB1 adults (aberrant germlines were observed in 33% of the worms). b Dissected out gonadal arms of N2 C. elegans grown on OP50 NGM and CeHR. Germline size and cellular morphology are severely deformed in animals grown in CeHR