Table 1.
Lifetime Risk of Chlamydia trachomatis–associated Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and Tubal Factor Infertility among Women Born between 1980 and 1984, Overall and by Race/Ethnicity, in King County, Washington
Racial/Ethnic Group | Lifetime Risk of PID—Low,a % (Range)b | Lifetime Risk of PID—High,a % (Range)b | Lifetime Risk of Tubal Factor Infertility,a % (Range)b |
Overall | 0.33 (0.32–0.35) | 1.14 (1.12–1.19) | 0.06 (0.06–0.06)c |
Non-Hispanic White | 0.23 (0.23–0.24) | 0.81 (0.79–0.84) | 0.04 (0.04–0.04)c |
Non-Hispanic Black | 1.09 (1.07–1.14) | 3.76 (3.68–3.92) | 0.20 (0.18–0.21) |
Hispanic, Any Race | 0.55 (0.54–0.57) | 1.89 (1.85–1.97) | 0.10 (0.09–0.10) |
Incorporates estimates of the risk of PID and tubal factor infertility (TFI) among women in Denmark by chlamydia testing history (ever positive, always negative, never tested) [12].
Abbreviation: PID, pelvic inflammatory disease.
aLifetime risk was defined as the risk by age 34 years (includes age 34).
bThe range is based on the bounds of the 95% confidence intervals for estimates of the risk of PID and TFI among women who ever tested positive for chlamydia, always tested negative for chlamydia, and were never tested for chlamydia, respectively.
cNumbers differ in the thousandth decimal place.