Table 1.
Comparison of Regression Discontinuity Design and Inverse-Probability–Weighted Marginal Structural Models as Causal Modeling Strategies for Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy Among Persons With Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection
Element of Study Design | Regression Discontinuity Design | Inverse-Probability–Weighted Marginal Structural Model |
Causal question | The causal effect of immediate ART eligibility on mortality | The causal effect of ART initiation at entry to care on mortality |
Effect estimated | Local treatment effect | Average causal effect |
Key assumption | Potential outcomes are continuous at the threshold (continuity assumption) | No unmeasured confounding |
Handling of confounding | Whether or not a person near the threshold presents to the clinic just above or just below the threshold is assumed to be random | Creating a pseudopopulation where treatment is random conditional on measured covariates |
Statistical power relative to standard cohort methods | Strongly reduced | Reduced |
Abbreviation: ART, antiretroviral therapy.