(A) Example of mEPSC traces recorded in cultured neurons expressing either GFP, GFP + NLG1-ΔCter or GFP + NLG1. (B) Cumulative distribution and (C) average of the mEPSC amplitude recorded on neurons expressing GFP (dark), GFP + NLG1-ΔCter (red) or GFP + NLG1 (green) (n = 14; 14 and 13 respectively). mEPSCs amplitude is decreased by 25% in neurons expressing NLG1-ΔCter. (D) Scheme of the patch clamp protocol used to record asynchronous EPSC on organotypic hippocampus slices. Two neighboring neurons are simultaneously patched, one transfected and one non transfected, Schaffer collateral connecting both neuron are then stimulated. (E and F) Representative traces of asynchronous EPSCs recorded in the presence of strontium, of either a control and a NLG1-ΔCter expressing neuron (E) or a control and a NLG1 (F). To avoid multi synaptic responses, 50 ms following the stimulation are excluded from the analysis. (G) Cumulative distribution of aEPSCs amplitude recorded from control (dark),or neurons expressing GFP + NLG1-ΔCter (red) or GFP + NLG1 (green) (n = 8 and 6 pairs of cells, respectively). Average of aEPSCs amplitude, with connection between the transfected cell and their respective neighboring non transfected control, when either GFP + NLG1 (H) or GFP + NLG1-ΔCter (I) are expressed. NLG1-ΔCter expression decreased by 25% the average aEPSCs amplitude.