FIG 4.
Alpha diversity and beta diversity of ITS and pol clone libraries. Previously published ITS and pol clone libraries from the Chesapeake Bay surface water samples (CB0205-858, CB0205-804, CB0205-707, CB0705-858, CB0705-804, and CB0705-707) (41, 54) and the Atlantic and Pacific surface ocean samples (UTK202, UTK211, UTK220, UTK229, UTK240, UTK250, UTK255, and UTK262) (40, 52) were compared to those derived here. (A) Locations of the samples are shown. The map was created using Ocean Data View, version 4. Alpha diversity Chao indices (B) and Shannon indices (C). Pearson correlation analysis results that indicate the relationship between diversity levels of picocyanobacteria and cyanopodoviruses are listed under the bar charts. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) plot based on compositions of ITS (D) and pol (E) OTUs. The inset plot in panel D covers all the 32 samples, and the outside plot shows the detailed relationship of a portion of 29 samples (dashed box in the inset plot). ANOSIM was used to test the significance of grouping, and the Mantel test (Spearman correlation) was used to assess the correlation between picocyanobacterial and cyanopodoviral communities. Coefficients (global R and ρ) and P values are shown.