Myb Like, SWIRM And MPN Domains 1 (MYSM1) genes encoding proteins with domain architectures typical of histone H2A deubiquitinases are present in the genomes of B. belcheri, B. floridae, and A. lucayanum. (A) The architectures of the predicted histone H2A deubiquitinases of B. belcheri and B. floridae deviate from the conserved domain architecture of these proteins in that one of the fragments of the B. belcheri protein (256530_PRF0) lacks the JAB domain, another fragment of the B. belcheri ortholog (256520_PRF0) lacks the Myb_DNA-binding and SWIRM domains, whereas the B. floridae protein (B6MUN4.1) lacks the Myb_DNA-binding domain. The transcriptome of A. lucayanum contains full-length transcripts of the MYSM1 gene, but the transcriptome of B. lanceolatum had only one transcript fragment derived from its MYSM1 gene; (B) Re-annotation of the MYSM1 genes of B. belcheri and B. floridae with the FixPred protocol has shown that these deviations are due errors in gene prediction, permitting the correction of these sequences (MYSM1_BRABE, MYSM1_BRAFL). The figure illustrates the Pfam domain architectures of the proteins and position of protein fragments of MYSM1 proteins. Color code for Pfam-A domains: Myb_DNA-binding—green; SWIRM—red; JAB—blue.