Fig. 3.
T1-weighted MRI of abdominal aortas ex vivo. a Representative images of vessel walls in normal diet fed, 1% CHOL, and 1% CHOL + injury rabbits. The thickened aortic vessel wall and increased wall area shown are characteristic of rabbits with 1% CHOL + injury after pharmacologic triggering. b Quantification of vessel wall area (mm2) as dot plots across rabbits and in multiple slices using ex vivo MRI. Each circle represents the average of eight slices for one rabbit with at least N = 3 in each category. The vertical lines represent the group mean value; P < 0.00005 was demonstrated by ANOVA, with similar results when comparing normal chow or 1% CHOL to the 1% CHOL + injury group by the Student’s t-test or Wilcoxon signed rank test. c Histological section from the 1% CHOL + injury aorta wall at 10× magnification from the ex vivo MRI image with Masson’s Trichrome staining (similar region as drawn in the red-box from (a). Scale bar size is 1 mm across images in (a) or 100 μm in (c)