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. 2018 Apr 25;126(4):047012. doi: 10.1289/EHP2580

Table 1.

Sociodemographic characteristics for children with measured prenatal urinary DAP metabolites who were followed up until the birth (n=534) and those with measured prenatal DAPs and 14-year SRS-2 T-scores (n=247), and medianT-scores across these characteristics in the CHAMACOS study population, enrolled 1999–2000 in Salinas Valley, California.

Characteristic n=534 with DAPs n=247 with DAPs and SRS-2a
n (%) n (%) T-score Median (Q1, Q3)
Maternal/family factors      
 Maternal age at child delivery      
  18–24 263 (49.3) 111 (44.9) 55.0 (51.0, 59.0)
  25–29 157 (29.4) 74 (30.0) 56.0 (48.0, 61.0)
  30–34 78 (14.6) 42 (17.0) 55.0 (50.0, 58.0)
  35–45 36 (6.7) 20 (8.1) 58.0 (51.0, 61.5)
 Maternal country of birth      
  U.S. 70 (13.1) 30 (12.2) 53.0 (49.0, 59.0)
  Mexico 452 (84.6) 214 (86.6) 55.0 (51.0, 60.0)
  Other 12 (2.3) 3 (1.2) 56.0 (41.0, 69.0)
 Maternal years in U.S. at child delivery      
  1 129 (24.2) 51 (20.7) 55.0 (49.0, 60.0)
  2–5 144 (27.0) 63 (25.5) 57.0 (51.0, 60.0)
  6–10 116 (21.7) 70 (28.3) 57.0 (52.0, 61.0)
  11+ (includes entire life) 145 (27.2) 63 (25.5) 53.0 (48.0, 58.0)
 Maternal Language for 14 y questionnaire      
  Spanish 316 (87.3) 216 (87.5) 55.0 (51.0, 60.0)
  English 46 (12.7) 31 (12.6) 52.0 (48.0, 58.0)
  Missing 172    
 Maternal education at child delivery      
  <6thgrade 233 (43.6) 106 (42.9) 56.0 (51.0, 61.0)
  7–12th grade 192 (36.0) 90 (36.4) 55.5 (49.0, 60.0)
  Completed high school 109 (20.4) 51 (20.7) 54.0 (48.0, 59.0)
 Maternal marital status at child delivery      
  Not married to/living with child's father 102 (19.1) 42 (17.0) 56.5 (49.0, 61.0)
  Married to/living with child's father 432 (80.9) 205 (83.0) 55.0 (50.0, 60.0)
 Parity at child delivery      
  Nulliparous 184 (34.5) 78 (31.6) 55.0 (49.0, 59.0)
  1+ 350 (65.5) 169 (68.4) 55.0 (51.0, 60.0)
 Maternal verbal intelligence (PPVT score) at 9-year visitb      
  <74 118 (25.5) 47 (19.1) 57.0 (51.0, 61.0)
  75–99 154 (33.3) 86 (35.0) 55.0 (50.0, 60.0)
  100+ 190 (41.1) 113 (45.9) 55.0 (49.0, 59.0)
  Missing 72 10  
 Maternal Depression (16 on CES-D) at 9-year visitb      
  No 308 (69.8) 177 (72.0) 54.0 (49.0, 59.0)
  Yes 133 (30.2) 69 (28.1) 58.0 (54.0, 65.0)
  Missing 93 1  
 Family poverty at 10½-year visitb      
  <Povertylevel 246 (72.1) 170 (70.3) 56.0 (51.0, 60.0)
  Within 200% of poverty level 93 (27.3) 71 (29.3) 54.0 (49.0, 58.0)
  >200%ofpovertylevel 2 (0.6) 1 (0.4) 61.0 (61.0, 61.0)
  Missing 193 5  
Child factors      
  Male 264 (49.4) 113 (45.8) 56.0 (50.0, 60.0)
  Female 270 (50.6) 134 (54.3) 55.0 (50.0, 60.0)
 Breastfeeding durationb      
  Never breastfed 68 (14.7) 33 (13.8) 52.0 (48.0, 58.0)
  1month 118 (25.5) 50 (20.9) 54.0 (48.0, 60.0)
  1–6 months 79 (17.1) 33 (13.8) 53.0 (51.0, 57.0)
  >6months 197 (42.6) 123 (51.5) 57.0 (52.0, 61.0)
  Missing 72 5  
 History of preschool attendance      
  Did not attend 108 (31.0) 65 (28.8) 56.0 (52.0, 62.0)
  Attended preschool 241 (69.1) 161 (71.2) 55.0 (50.0, 59.0)
  Missing 185 21  
 Intelligence at 10½-year visit (WISC-IV FSIQ)      
  79 49 (15.7) 35 (14.8) 58.0 (51.0, 64.0)
  80–99 195 (62.3) 152 (64.1) 55.0 (51.0, 60.0)
  100+ 69 (22.0) 50 (21.1) 53.0 (47.0, 57.0)
  Missing 221 10  
  Mean±SD Mean±SD  
 Child’s age at SRS assessment 14.18±0.27 14.16±0.23  
  Missing 207 0  
 HOME total z-score (10.5 years) 0.02±1.07 0.01±1.01  
  Missing 89 0  

DAPs, dialkyl phosphates; SRS-2, Social Responsiveness Scale, Version 2; PPVT, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test; CES-D, Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale; WISC-IV FSIQ, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Version IV Full Scale IQ.


T-scorestandardizedmean=50 (SD=10); higher SRS score indicates more ASD-related traits.


Includes observations with missing data that we imputed with values collected on these variables at earlier or later time points.