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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Oct 11.
Published in final edited form as: Nature. 2018 Apr 11;556(7701):386–390. doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0029-y

Extended Data Table 1. Cryo-EM data collection, refinement and validation statistics.

#1 INO80core (EMD-4264) (PDB 6FHS) #2 INO80core+nuc (EMD-4277) (PDB 6FML) #3 INO80 Grappler A (EMD-4278) #4 INO80 Grappler B (EMD-4280)
Data collection and processing
Camera Gatan K2 Gatan K2 Gatan K2 Gatan K2
Voltage (kV) 300 300 300 300
Electron exposure (e–/Å2) 59.6 59.6 59.6 59.6
Defocus range (µm) 1.3-3.5 1.3-3.5 1.3-3.5 1.3-3.5
Pixel size (Å) 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06
Symmetry imposed Cl Cl Cl Cl
Initial particle images (no.) 251692 251692 251692 251692
Final particle images (no.) 144278 33937 16287 17263
Map resolution (Å) 3.75 4.34 4.68 4.62
    0.143 FSC threshold
Map sharpening B-factor (Å2) -142 -114 -124 -136
Initial model used (PDB code) models for refinement were build de novo or based on 4WW4 (Rvbl/2) and lNWK (actin) models for refinement were build on 6FHS (INO80core) and 4r8p (nucleosome)
Model resolution (Å) 3.82 4.47
    0.5 FSC threshold
Model resolution range (Å) 360.4 - 3.7 360.4 – 4.3
Map sharpening B factor (Å2) -142 -114
Model composition
    Non-hydrogen atoms 27184 43462
    Protein and DNA residues 3481 5114
    Ligands 7 7
B factors (Å2)
    Protein and DNA 59.6 112.9
    Ligand 54.3 80.29
R.m.s. deviations
    Bond lengths (Å) 0.008 0.010
    Bond angles (°) 0.93 1.203
   MolProbity score 1.7 1.68
   Clashscore 4.8 4.75
   Poor rotamers (%) 0.1 0.13
Ramachandran plot
   Favored (%) 92.8 93.3
   Allowed (%) 7.2 6.6
   Disallowed (%) 0.0 0.1