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. 2018 May 29;126(5):057008. doi: 10.1289/EHP2998

Figure 7.

Figure 7A is a scatter plot with regression lines plotting regulatory NOAEL (y-axis) across cross-validation CTV NOAEL (x-axis) where R squared equals 0.47 (n equals 36). Figure 7B is a scatter plot with regression lines plotting regulatory NOAEL (y-axis) across ToxCast OED05 (x-axis) where R squared equals 0.12 (n equals 36). Figure 7C is a scatter plot with regression lines plotting regulatory BMDL (y-axis) across cross-validation CTV BMDL (x-axis) where R squared equals 0.59 (n equals 14). Figure 7D is a scatter plot with regression lines plotting regulatory BMDL (y-axis) across ToxCast OED05 (x-axis) where R squared equals 0.061 (n equals 14). Figure 7E is a scatter plot with regression lines plotting regulatory RfD (y-axis) across cross-validation CTV RfD (x-axis) where R squared equals 0.36 (n equals 51). Figure 7F is a scatter plot with regression lines plotting regulatory RfD (y-axis) across ToxCast OED05 (x-axis) where R squared equals 0.087 (n equals 51).

Comparison of conditional toxicity value (CTV)-based (A, C, E) or high-throughput screening (HTS) assay-based (B, D, F) toxicity value predictions with “gold standard” regulatory toxicity values. In each panel, the x-axis is the toxicity value predicted from CTV (left panels) or based on HTS assays (right panels), which is compared with regulatory toxicity values on the y-axis (all values are in units of mg/kg·d). Comparisons are made for regulatory NOAELs (panels A and B), BMDLs (panels C and D), or RfDs (panels E and F). In all cases, the predictions from CTV are based on cross-validation (panels A, C, and E). Panels AE also include lines indicating equality and a factor of 10 greater or less than equality (solid and dotted lines); for panel F, the line is offset by a factor of 102.5300 to account for the fact that the HTS-based oral equivalent dose lower 5% confidence limit (OED05) is a point of departure and is not meant to be equivalent to an RfD. The offset is approximately equivalent to treating OED05/300 as a surrogate for the RfD. The value of this offset was determined by the intercept of the linear regression. Each panel also includes linear regression lines (dashed lines), along with the number of compounds (n) and the adjusted R2. Note: BMDL, benchmark dose lower confidence limit; HTS OED05, high-throughput screening–based oral equivalent dose lower 5% confidence limit; NOAEL, no observed adverse effect level; RfD, reference dose.