Live larvae of D. suzukii parasitized by the different parasitoid strains or D. melanogaster YR (YR) parasitized by L. boulardi ISy were dissected at different time (0h-240h) and the main observed steps of the encapsulation response are reported. E, free parasitoid egg; EE, encapsulated parasitoid egg; FL, free parasitoid larva; LC, free parasitoid larva with a thin coat of light-colored cells; DL, dead parasitoid larva; EL, encapsulated parasitoid larva; W, developing wasp. Aj, Asobara japonica; Lv, Leptopilina victoriae; LhGoth, L. heterotoma Gotheron; LhJapan, L. heterotoma Japanese strain; Lbm, L. boulardi ISm strain; Lby, L. boulardi ISy strain; Lb16, L. boulardi strain 16.