The important neutralization antigens of HAdV. (A) 3D model of HAdV55 hexon and the predicted NAb epitopes in the tower regions (left: side view; right: top view). A55R1, 2, 4 and 7 were colored by red, yellow, magentas and blue, respectively; (B) amino acid sequence alignment of several HAdV species B hexons indicates the seven HVRs. The number shows the position of the right side amino acid in the corresponding hexon protein. *, conserved amino acid; either size or hydropathy is conserved and both size and hydropathy are conserved. Gaps used to optimize alignments are indicated by dashes; (C) 3D model of HAdV55 fiber and its three domains, knob, shaft and tail. The primary amino acid sequences were submitted to SWISS-MODEL workspace for homology modeling, and the hexon and fiber homotrimer models were built based on template 2obe.1.A and 1qiu.1.A, respectively. HVRs, hypervariable regions.